Install the Shabad OS Database

There are 2 officially supported release formats: SQLite and npm.

Note: Refrain from modifying any existing content of the database. If you believe there is a mistake, please file an issue for any specific line using the Shabad OS Viewer or more generally at GitHub. The only exception to this rule is that tables or data that you do not require may be dropped entirely to save storage space in constrained environments.


Our GitHub Releases contain the latest SQLite3 database releases. Read about the schema used.

These releases follow semantic versioning, so it is possible to download databases with content additions and fixes without breaking your application.

Running SELECT * FROM Lines ORDER BY order_id LIMIT 100 will return the first 100 lines that the database contains, in the correct order. See more example queries.


The database is packaged as an npm module @shabados/database. To install it, run npm install @shabados/database. Importing the package will give you access to the location of the database.

This package uses the same semantic versioning format as the SQLite database, so running npm update will allow you to retrieve compatible database corrections without breaking your application. Additionally, there is a JavaScript API that can be imported from the package, allowing you to leverage the database using wrapper functions, without the need to write SQL.